Dear Friends,

We are entering a new phase of the fight to Stop Line 3, the last tar sands expansion pipeline. With President Biden in the White House and pipeline constructions continuing at lightning speed we must act with renewed urgency. 

Our Message:

We stand united in opposition to Enbridge’s proposed new and expanded Line 3 oil pipeline. The pipeline’s impacts on our economy, natural resources, and public health, and its violations of Indigenous rights, are unacceptable. Residents of the Great Lakes should not be forced to assume such risks for a project that is economically not viable in the long-term and serves no clear public purpose. We call on Governor Walz and our state agencies to oppose Line 3 because of the decline in global oil demand, the rapid ongoing transition to renewable energy, and the urgency of the climate crisis.

When we rise together, we win. We are showing up for a better future. Below you will find: HASHTAGS, SUGGESTED POSTS and DOWNLOADS to amplify our messages and grow our movement.

- Stop Line 3 Letter Messaging Crew

Important Hashtags and Handles


Decision Makers: @GovTimWalz @LtGovFlanagan @JoeBiden @POTUS @VP

Allies: @GiniwCollective @HonorTheEarth

Suggested Posts

Proud to join this call to #StopLine3 @GovTimWalz must #HonorTheTreaties #ActOnClimate by stopping this tar sands oil pipeline. #BuildBackFossilFree @JoeBiden @POTUS @VP

Raising our voices in solidarity with Native women leading resistance to the #Line3 crude oil pipeline. It would cross Mississippi and 200 waterways, break treaties, cause the climate damage = 50 coal plants. #StopLine3 @GovTimWalz @JoeBiden @POTUS @VP

I am proud to join the call to #StopLine3 @JoeBiden @POTUS @VP @GovTimWalz must #HonorTheTreaties #ActOnClimate by stopping this tar sands oil pipeline. You can help too. Follow and support #Stopline3 #BuildBackFossilFree

@GiniwCollective @HonorTheEarth @RISEandEngage @gitchigumiscouts

The worst pipeline you may never have heard of. Learn why indigenous leaders, scientists, community groups need your help to #StopLine3 crude oil pipeline #Stopline3: . Help @JoeBiden @POTUS @VP @GovTimWalz @LtGovFlanagan #KeepItInTheGround #GreenNewDeal #ActonClimate 

Sample Tweets

Minnesotans want clean air, water and land—which is why the movement is growing to #StopLine3. @GovTimWalz must act now to #HonorTheTreaties and #StopLine3

The Line 3 tar sands pipeline would have the climate impact of 50 coal plants. It’s clear that @GovTimWalz @LtGovFlanagan @POTUS @VP must act now to #StopLine3 #ActOnClimate #HonorTheTreaties 

Help #Stopline3 - Follow and get involved: @GiniwCollective @HonorTheEarth @RISEandEngage @gitchigumiscouts @MN_350

#Line3 #tarsands pipeline breaks treaties and threatens our water, climate, and communities #stopline3 @GovTimWalz @JoeBiden @POTUS @VP

.@GovTimWalz @LtGovFlanagan do you really want to build a #tarsands pipeline that runs through treaty territory, the Mississippi (2x) and locks in #ClimateCrisis?

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