Global Women’s Assembly for Climate Justice: Solutions from the Frontlines and the Protection and Defense of Human Rights and Nature’, a free, gender-diverse, public forum organized by the Women’s Earth and Climate

Leading Fossil Fuel Resistance and Protecting Water Panel
Date: September 29, 2021
Start Time 1:25pm CENTRAL TIME

Winona LaDuke on DAY 5 - SEPTEMBER 29, 2021

2:25 PM Eastern Time — Leading Fossil Fuel Resistance and Protecting Water

Speakers to date:
Kanahus Manuel (Secwepemc and Ktunaxa) | Tiny House Warriors, Canada

Moira Ivana Millán (Mapuche and Weychafe) | Founder and Coordinator, Indigenous Women's Movement for Good Living, Argentina

Winona LaDuke (White Earth Nation) | Executive Director, Honor the Earth, USA

Mie Asaoka | President, Kiko Network, Japan

Simone Senogles (Anishinaabe) | Food Sovereignty Program Coordinator, Leadership Team, Indigenous Environmental Network, USA