The fight continues to Stop Line 3!  

December 14th marks the anniversary of the first large-scale arrest of water protectors taking nonviolent direct action to Stop Line 3.

One year and over 1,000 arrests later, Enbridge is also facing criminal prosecution. Rushed construction pierced at least one artesian aquifer and caused dozens of frac-out spills, damaging waters and wetlands. Yet the pipeline is now running tar sands oil. This cannot be allowed to continue.

On December 14th, we are holding a national Stop Line 3 Day of Action – can you join us?

The need for the Army Corps of Engineers to order a federal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has reached an emergency level. Why an EIS? Frac-out. Aquifer breach, frac-outs. As water protectors warned, there is severe, permanent, ongoing environmental damage.

PROVIDED BY RON TURNEY A closeup showed standing water in the wetlands being held back from the Mississippi River in Clearwater County, where the Line 3 oil pipeline tunneled under the river.

Enbridge has already been fined $3.32 million for failure to follow environmental laws and the case referred by the state for criminal prosecution. Millions of gallons of artesian water are being lost, while spilled drill-fluid contaminants are moving downstream, polluting everything in their path. Sooner or later, tar sands oil is likely to spill and sink in these pristine waterways, poisoning the drinking water of millions.

​Check out the toolkit to learn how to take action on December 14th!

Violating Anishinaabe treaty territories in Minnesota, the new stretch of Line 3 was approved without full informed consent. It carries the carbon emissions equivalent of 50 new coal-fired plants in a time of “code red” climate emergency.

Moreover, Enbridge cannot obtain the required $200 million in "environmental impairment liability" insurance and has not established the promised Decommissioning Trust Fund.

Enbridge is the Canadian pipeline company responsible for the largest inland oil spill in US history. Enbridge pipelines had more than 800 spills in the US and Canada between 1999 and 2010, leaking 6.8 million gallons of oil.

Before the Line 3 emergency becomes catastrophic, we come together on December 14th to call on the Army Corps of Engineers to order a federal EIS. Please join us.

On December 1st, 2021: “Honor the Earth, filed a petition with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to promptly open a new docket to establish a pipeline abandonment trust fund for the new Line 3 pipeline, which the PUC committed to do nearly three years ago.” - PUC apparently opened the pipeline abandonment docket late December 2nd, 2021.

But still is not a Federal EIS conducted by the Army Corps. for Line 3.